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Patanjali Yoga Sutra
INTRODUCTION:- Diabetes mellitus, often simply referred to as diabetes—is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the body does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced.In 2000, according to the World Health Organization, at least 171 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, or 2.8% of the population. Its incidence is increasing rapidly, and it is estimated that by 2030, this number will almost double. The greatest increase in prevalence is, however, expected to occur in Asia and Africa, where most patients will probably be found by 2030 The increase in incidence of diabetes in developing countries follows the trend of urbanization and lifestyle changes, perhaps most importantly a "Western-style" diet.Clinical research in the west has focused exclusively on diabetes as a physical disorder. Clinical research in India, by contrast, has recognized that diabetes is a psychosomatic disorder, in which the causative factors are sedentary habits, physical, emotional and mental stress and strain. It has studied the beneficial effects of the practice of yoga, which is much more than a physical exercise. In India most important factors are Sedentary habits, Stress & heavy consumption of polished rice Switch over to “ western style diet”. I early I have already produce a Paper Prof. Panda, Ways for long life “Zero Rice, Zero Oil,& Belly exercise”. Now I thought how to manage Sedentary Habits and mental and Physical Stress. Thus I Thought the Process of “PATANJALI YOGA SUTRA”.I started this study from 2006 to 2006 over 2008 my old case where I found reduction of Dosage of the drug, Maintenance of Blood sugar very stable as compared to without Patanjali yoga sutra. Constant maintenance of HBA1C 5.8 to 6.5 range.Increse in C-Peptide, Reduction in Serum Cholesterol & Serum Triglyceride.Normalisation of ECG Patern.
INTENT: Intent of the study done By Dr Premanidhi Panda from 2006 to 2008 over a period of 3years over 2000 Cases of Both Type-I & Type –II shows tremendous result in reduction of Dosage of the drug, Maintenance of Blood sugar very stable as compared to without Patanjali yoga sutra. Constant maintenance of HBA1C 5.8 to 6.5 range.Increse in C-Peptide, Reduction in Serum Cholesterol & Serum Triglyceride.Normalisation of ECG Pattern. Alcoholics could leave up there alcohol.
DISCUSSION:-Though Diabetes recognised as Psychosomatic disorder, in which causative factors are (1)Sedentary Habits(2) physical,(3)emotional and mental stress and strain. Yoga is not a simple Physical activity but it is a science. Patanjali Yoga Sutra has offered us guidelines that will allow us to have enhanced emotional and mental well-being and a more fulfilling and meaningful life," says Joan Shivarpita Harrigan, a practicing psychologist.In which
suggests a program of ethical restraints or abstentions
(2) Lifestyle observances (niyamas),
(3) Postures (asanas)
(4) Breath control (Pranayama),
(5) Withdrawal of the senses (Pretyahara)
(6) Concentration (dharana)
(7) Meditation (dhyana),
(8) Absorption into the Divine (Samadhi).
(3). CANCER.
Maharshi Patanjali was the compiler of the Yoga Sutras, an important collection of aphorisms on Yoga practice Maharshi Patanjali was born on150 B.C. in Sunga dynesty.
I have taken Five Vows and Six Niyamas in my Study.
(1)Tyranny of the Ego
(2) Ahimsa
(3) Truthfulness:-Effect of truth on human body is established.
(4) Brahmacharya(Celibacy)
(5) Non-covetousness and Non-stealing
(1) Purity
(2)Santosh or Contentment
(6) Samyama
Truth is conformity of our judgments with the things. It is the Ideas with external objects but also the internal consistency of our ideas with one another. Truth has been proved:-
(1)Complete sequence of a human genome
(2) fMRI:- Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a technique used for multiple purposes which shows the uses of oxygen by the brain, allowing for the identification of which portions of the brain are using more oxygen, and thus being used during a specific task. The technique is also used in drug development, a wide-variety of research, and diagnostically
(3) Physiological changes like;- increased pupil size, an indicator of tension and concentration in comparison to TRUTH
(4) Facial Action Coding System (FACS) like voice and speech measures, gestures and words
(5) verbal and written output changes liars take longer to start answering questions than truth-tellers. liars actually start their answers more quickly than truth-tellers
(6) Change of Perception as liars seem more negative--more nervous and complaining, and less cooperative--than truth-tellers. Individuals lying sound "more discrepant and ambivalent, the structure of their stories is less logical, and their stories sound less plausible.
(7) Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) that is accuracy in predicting lying
(8) General questioning and testing techniques.By asking (a) Irrelevant questions(b) Comparison questions(c) Relevant questions
(9) Polygraph:-Commonest method but sometimes unreliable. It detects autonomic reactions. They also may consider respiration rate, blood pressure, capillary dilation, and muscular movement,heart rate
(10) Event-related potentials(ERP)
(11) Electroencephalography(EEG) Changes.
(12) ) Facial EMG Changes.
(13) Eye-tracking Changes.
(14) Functional near-infrared spectroscopy Changes.
(15) Truth reduces glucagons and possibly improving insulin action.
(16) Truth causes Muscle Relaxation thus muscles might enhance insulin receptor expression on muscles causing increased glucose uptake by muscles and thus reducing blood sugar.
(17) Blood pressure plays a great role in development of diabetic and related complications, which is proven to be benefited by yoga. The same holds true for increased cholesterol levels.Truth is the vital things for a person to be calm down thus reduces Blood Pressure.
(18) Truth & AHIMSA reduces adrenaline, noradrenalin and cortisol in blood, which are termed as ?stress hormones?. This is a likely mechanism of improvement in insulin action.
(19) Truth & Non-Violence Increase level of C-Peptide after 3Months of Yoga.
(20) AS PER Marcy C. McCall*et all Pattanjali Yoga Sutra Reduces proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-6,interleukin-2, C-reactive protein is attributed to yoga’s capacity to stimulate the vagus
nerve.improving immunity.
AHIMSA IN DIABETES:-It works as truth. Ahimsa(NON-VIOLENCE) Reduce your wants and lead a happy and contented life. Never hurt the feelings of
others and be kind to all. I have little differed from Patanjali Yoga Sutra regarding taking only vegetable diets. I used to advice for High Protein Diet and less carbohydrate diet. I am only restricted non-violence in action to the society. Love all , hate none will lead you better control of blood sugar. All other things are same s TRUTH. EFFECT OF EGO IN DIABETES:- |
Non-covetousness and Non-stealing:-Non-covetousness and non-stealing are three of the five yamas in Patanjali Yoga sutra known for disciplining the mind and increasing self-control.It is same way how Truth & Non-Violence does in diabetes. |
EFFECT OF ASANAS & PRANAYAMA:-Yoga Asana like include ‘Surya Namaskara,Tadasan,Padmasan,Vastrika,Pashimottanasana ,Pranayam,Ardhamatsayendrasan,Shavasan,Sarpasan already known to reduce Blood Sugar,Post Prandial Blood Sugar,Lipid Profile,HBA1C.It is more beneficial in Type 2 Diabetes..Yogic exercises cause the muscles to absorb the excess glucose in the blood, thereby reducing the blood sugar level. They help the pancreas and liver to function effectively, which regulates the blood sugar levels. Asanas help in rejuvenating the pancreatic cells, thereby assisting insulin secretion. The muscular movements also help in bringing down the blood sugar levels. Asanas induce relaxation, which also plays a key role in the healthy functioning of the internal organs of the body. Effect of pranayama & yoga-asana on cognitive brain functions in type 2 diabetes-P3 event related evoked potential (ERP) has been proved. |
PRANAYAM:I am giving Impotence to KAPALAVATI ASANA. It is observation that KapalaVati Asana is very beneficial in diabetes.BELLY EXERCISE:- we do quick exhalation and natural inhalation. Normally exhalation takes one fourth of the time of inhalation. Quick exhalation and natural inhalation follow each other. HOW TO DO:-Seat in a comfortable position with back straight. Inhale deeply through both the nostril.Then exhale with forceful contraction of the diaphragm by which The air is pushed out of the lungs by the contraction of diaphragm. One can begin with 20 times twice daily. EFFECTS:- . Normally exhalation takes one fourth of the time of inhalation. Quick exhalation and natural inhalation follow each other. During quick Exhalation there is increased in venous pooling. During quick natural Inhalation there is arterial pooling. By this way if there will be Venous pooling and arterial pooling there will be slow degradation of arterial plaque. I have studied it in two case report frank case of Myocardial Infarction where is There is definite indication AMI.Trop-T is positive. But with the medication and my maneuver Complete normal ECG with Zero score in CARDIAC CT Angio. This is tremendous methods By which I am claiming there will be reversal of Coronary arterial plaque. Not only coronary but all the tissue organ will function well. Benefits of Belly Exercise:- (1) Belly Exercise cleanses the lungs and entire respiratory system. (2) The blood is purified and body gets an increased supply of oxygen to all cells. (3) Digestion is improved. (4) Abdominal muscles are strengthened. (5) Prepare the mind for meditation. (6) Energize the mind for mental work. Common Mistake: - (1) Abdomen is contracted while inhaling. (2) Shoulders are contracted to push the air out when exhaling. (3) Back and shoulders move during exercise. Point to Note: (a) Exercise should not be done if you are feeling uncomfortable at any time during the exercise. (b) Rapid breathing used in this technique should be from the abdomen and not from the chest. (c) Belly Exercise should be practice on an empty stomach only. (d )Belly Exercise should be practiced followed by Relaxation (atleast 10 minutes) and before meditation. (e) Chest should not move very much. CONCLUSION:- By Belly exercise Heart, Kidney and all the tissue functions well. There will be reduction of aging process. IN MY STUDY:- CONCLUSION:-In my study I conclude that a diabetic person if follow the Patanjali Yoga sutra both in life style and few asans & Breathing Exercise will lead to normal life without any complication affecting kidney,Heart,Eye & Nervous system.There is definite Reduction of dose of medication. Diabetics will lead a long life span satayu bhavantu(LONG LIVE FOR HUNDRED YEARS) REFERANCE:- |
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Prof. Premanidhi Panda
Hon.PhD in Diabetes(USA)
Ex Sr. Consultant
Chief of Critical care
Ex-Consultant Physician &
Chief of Critical Medwin Hospital
Hydrabad, LIBYA, TISCO State &
Central Govt. Service AMA for
Central Govt. Employees PPL
Ex-postgraduate teacher for DNB
Students Undergraduate students
from American University in
Trophical medicine, critcal care
teacher. Selection committee
member for specialist and Sr.
Specialist in Govt. of india
Regd. No. 8085(0)